Another Birmingham magazine was The Birmingham Broadside,
published in Lozells Rd, Birmingham c. 1976. This had a distinctly political focus reflective of the late seventies Anti- fascist and pro women rights, housing issues etc. It also had a great Whatz On Section and a political Cartoon called Maxwell the Mutant by Steve Bell, now award winning cartoonist for the Guardian. Steve Bell Bio. A well produced magazine all round. Following on from Streetpress, I used to sell copies in Coventry. Birmingham just had better resources for producing magazines than Coventry. The need for a good a good community print resource centre was sorely needed. To an extent by 1977 Sidney Stringer provided that for some groups and I produced Unemployed Worker there in 77 - the paper of Coventry Unemployed Workers Centre there, where I was a Welfare Rights Advisor. But even in 79 Alternative Sounds had to turn to the Lanch Polytechnic for free printing. In the 70's there was a thriving creative and musical culture that was under resourced. Things happened in spite of support anyway they could. That goes for places for bands to practice and gigs to get started, printing resources, creative workshops etc.