I's fortgotten until I looked thrugh the letters I sent to the unedited versions of the letters I sent to the Coventry Evening Telgraph in relation to the Shut Down Coventry Shopping Precinct Concert, there more things being planned. A few got through but some of the ideas didn't. This post is to logged the the ones 'that got away', mainly through lack of funding and wider support, not to mention time llocation. It was an intense and active period.
- Underground film club - idea came from the Umbrella's Transcendental Cauldron - the first event I'd attended coupled with the fact that there was a request from some of the users for a alternative film night when we petitioned them for their own ideas and views of what the Workshop should do.This was achieved - each friday night a projector was cranked up and a film group recruited from those attending the monday music nights watched a range of films. Bo (John Bargeant) organised and operated the projector both for this and his discos at Hobo in which he played films as the music was playing. The film club started with a few old comedy movies too.
- Street-theatre Group - The ground floor of the Holyhead Youth Centre was actually a theatre with a stage and dressing rooms. It had been use for rehearsals by the Belgrade Theatre. Some of the group were interested in dram. I wanted to mix the medias and liked the idea of having a street theatre group that might perform during the band nights and also go out on the streets and generate publicity for the Hobo Workshop. To get the ball rolling - I used to raid the costume deptment behind the stage, dress up strange and perform Dylan songs on the door as people came in and paid their money, to set the tone that it was (hopefully) a creative venue and people could be creative in various ways - where fancy dress, dance wildly / creativley. A small group formed around this but I don't remember it taking off as well as I would have liked. I can't remember who they were (it's so long ago) but a Sarah and Andy took charge of organising this acording to a duplicated poster you see on here.
- Trenchcoat - I'd forgotten this until I re-read the unedited letter I sent to the editor of the Coventry Evening Telegraph over the shut down concert incident. I was planning another magazine - Trenchcoat - that would deal with wider issues than Hobo but might also incorporate Hobo magazine. These may have been environmental, life style, campaigning issues (for better facilities) and features.
- Coventry Arts Festival - We also announced plans in the letter for a Coventry Arts Festival in 1975 'incorporating local talent of all varieties, with some events being organised by Hobo and other organised by other organisations but incorporated into the programme. It will be intended to appeal to as many people as possible without mercenary objective." This never materialised ( well not through Hobo anyway - there was one in the 80's).