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Pete Willow

[this is good] I remember researching this - and Dennis Clarke putting together the superb cartoon of the Binley Oak! The correction re: Beverley Jones was published in the subsequent edition of Folks which, if memory recalls, included a detailed delve into the archives and scrapbooks of Rod Felton. I should have a full set of Folks somewhere. I will have a look for them over Easter and send copies to Trev.


Yes have a vague memory of a schoolmate organising a first visit to the folk at the Umbrella,(he was enticed into Mummers I think).as an alternative to going to a Young Socialist coffee and record evening (then Coundon road )
Nice to see a mention of Ron, who is very important to us weird folks that go around dressed as strange animals and have shouted "In come I" in some far flung places, and nice that has come up over a weekend that we have been out in the caps and bells. (synchronicity ..as Lesley would say)
Also remember Barry Skinner., Beverley of course and a bloke called Carl, an ardent Communist who used to speak in the Precinct on a Saturday. he was quite elderly and I might have gor this wrong , but I think he may have fought in the Spanish Civil War.( and probably not with us anymore) He new a lot of Revolutionary songs  and his flat was overflowing with books you couldnt move. I am sure others will remember him, he rode a moped , and was one of the few people in those days to wear a crash helmet. On top of his he had a knight in armour made from a plastic kit, and holding a kids paper windmill. ( I do hope I wasn't imagining it)
I think it was him that gave me a book that introduced me to sea shanties, and encouraged me sing same. Embarassed at the time but since very appreciative.
There were a lot of Communists in Cov in those days and they took their folk very seriously, it didn't surprise anyone when the Hen and Chicks started
When Dylan "sold out " they followed him around the country hurling abuse and calling him a "traitor to the proletariat" I think the Mag mentioned may have been.around the same time as the schism.. The Young Communist League was quite active at the time and had there own newsheet/paper  which I think was duplicated at the TWGU  offices.
 Over the years I have noticed ( and discussed privately) just how many of the Early Folkie/YCL er's names crop up, often in the  realms of higher education, although by now all most probably retired.  Without mentioning any names,  I do hear  of or from many who frequented both the Oak and the Tavern, although I never went very often myself., but mainly the Hen and Chicks    (handy for Hartford Arms' cheap cider)  One, a very good floorsinger is now in Thailand, another has recently returned from Australia.
According to another who has only recently left Cov, the Hen and Chicks was a good place for...( I deparaphrase)  for meeting persons of the opposite sex, who might have enough brain to talk to, as well, as being free of strange ideas about monogamous relationships.etc.
Is it still there. I remember the big golden carved sign that looked more like a duck!
I look forward to hearing about other issues and do a bit more name spotting. Its opened up yet another area of the long forgotten. Thanks.

Pete Willow

My memory's playing tricks on me. Apparently, the Binley Oak Folk Club cartoon wasn't by Dennis Carke (although he did some of the artwork for Folks Mag). Not sure whose it is - anyone recognise the style?

Pete Willow

Thanks Trev for tracking down the artist. Terry Sycamore - of course!!

Mary Shepherd

Desperately trying to locate Barry Skinner, can anyone help.Please

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