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Andy Hatcher (BASS)

Please Read me....

Most people are looking for oportunities all of the time, as a muso few are more seeking the oportunity than anyone else. As one of those I had the fortune of playing with some very talented individuals across the globe. Costant seeking the oportunity to blag my way into better and better musical situations.

colin heanes

I have just found out about the death of Paul Brooke over the internet.. My name is Colin Heanes I was the drummer who followed Paul with reluctant stereotypes. Paul was as Ted Duggan writes a true inspiration. He played on the first stereotypes single with W.E.A she has changed not you.

He was a very hard act to follow . I had been taught to play by another great drummer jimmy nicholls who is also no longer with us. when I took over the drumming chair with the stereotypes Paul had been more or less filling in as a session player for them. I on the other hand was 18 years old and rather overwhelmed to be suddenly playing in the company of some very accomplished musicians.

I had been taught to read by jimmy and Paul thought it was great that he could write down a lot of the drum patterns i would need to know instead of having to totally show me everything. He didn,t need to do that truth be known but he still did and I have always appreciated that.

Paul showed me so many things in the early part of me becoming the drummer for the stereotypes and i am eternally grateful for that.

He took the time to help me without being asked . His enthusiasm for the task made it a pleasure to be mentored by him.

Andy Hatcher (BASS)

[this is good] It is strange that the original message I wrote seems to have been chopped down to an little bit of blurb when what I waas trying to say was that I worked with Paul for a few years and found him to be the best - without any doubt - the very best drummer I have ever seen or worked with.

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